Single Origin – PNG Arufa AX Natural

Brasilero Coffee’s best-kept secret lies in the exquisite flavour and unique character of its Single Origin 250gm coffee. Sourced from carefully selected regions known for their exceptional coffee beans, this blend offers a journey through diverse landscapes, capturing the essence of each region in every sip.
Our current Single Origin Offering is the PHG Arufa AX – Natural
Bean Details
Type: 100% Arabica
Varietal: Arusha, Blue Mountain, Typica
Process: Natural
Score: 84 +
Origin: PNG
Region: Okapa, Eastern Highlands
Tasting Notes
Notes of: Jackfruit, bubble gum, floral rose, winey
About the region
Named after its growing region in the Western Highlands Province and its processing, Arufa Natural is the result of a network of smallholder farmers and their ongoing commitment to the production of high-quality coffee cherries.
Coffee farming communities maintain these coffee gardens. Ripe cherries are handpicked to be sold at the Kindeng Wet Mill where only the best cherries are selected. These exemplary cherries are directly sun dried for a period of one full month; omitting the pulping, fermenting, and washing stages. After one month the dry cherries are processed to green beans at Kagamuga dry mill before being moved to Goroka for the final cleaning process.
This style of processing and development presents us with the unique and exciting characteristics that we taste in the cup.
SIZE: 250G
HEIGHT: 250mm
WIDTH: 125mm